Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman

The Seas Support Meals As Scheduled

04/15/2016 at 5:45pm EDT

Still not too rough to feed us.

We haven't reached that point.

Lose Game 2? If we lose Game 2, that's when you can search out the squatty little cook and ask him for scraps because he's not cooking jack or shit.

I'm all over Northern Florida, house shopping. It's been a stressful evolution but a pleasant distraction.

Every potential neighbor now knows that the gail they're feeling off the Atlantic is not really an ocean breeze. No. That's the North Wind, but it's not as strong as it could be should bad things happen over the next four hours.

It's a Live Blog, bitches. We are not on life support. Yet.

16 to 12.


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