Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman

String Theory

12/10/2014 at 7:30pm EST

Here we are again. We have successfully strung together three wins in a row, and are going for number four tonight against the Leafs. I'm no pharmacist. I'm definitely no physicist, but as I have been harping on my theory that a bona fide winning streak beings with five wins in a row, the Wings have been stringing together three wins here, four wins there which has garnered us thirty nine points and some very superstitious bragging rights. (SWM Kate)

Heck we aren't even supposed to be above the twenty-FIF spot in the league according to lots of hockey prognosticators.(the Wings are too old/too young) Yet here we are, locked in a battle for first place in the conference/division. Whooda thought?

Let's just hope the string continues tonight.

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