Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman


04/19/2007 at 6:19pm EDT
Has there ever been a time we needed a Mike Babcock Consolidated Quote of the Day more than today?No? You agree? Yes? Ok.Overheard after the morning skate today...."We've decided to go ahead and start Hudsyhudshuds. Every time I think of him up in that press box, eating those nachos and grabbing ass with Jimmy D I get pissed. I think why's that little bastard get nachos? So, we're going to change it up, get him out there, give him a shot, more minutes..definitely more than last game, eh Ansar? Ha. What? How much? 3 years, eh?Like I said, Sammy's our guy. We're going to stick by him skinny and thick. No matter what."

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