Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman

Is 101 Too Many?

08/09/2010 at 3:52pm EDT

That’s the question Wing fans are asking themselves today.

Did the 101 games Ruslan Salei played in Denver taint him to the point that he’s a bad signing for Detroit? I have no doubt Tick Tock is confident the back problems won’t be an issue. Now he needs to reassure us all that three years in that steaming pile of a wannabe hockey city didn’t mar this once-talented redolent Russian beyond repair.

Aside from that disturbing consideration, there are a few other elements of interest here.

Salei (6-foot-1, 212) brings a rugged, physical element to the defense. He was suspended for 10 games in October 1999 for checking Mike Modano, then with Dallas, from behind into the boards face-first. Modano sustained a concussion, strained ligaments in his neck and a broken nose.

What? He attacked a frigging model. What kind of pansy-ass motherfu…

Salei previously played for Red Wings coach Mike Babcock in Anaheim for two seasons, 2002-03, ‘03-04.

Ahhh. Got it. I’m all in. I’m trusting me some Tick Tock and I’m trusting me some Uncle Mike.

Is it June yet?

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