Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman

We’re Still Waiting

02/13/2021 at 7:30pm EST

Another game, oh goody! I know this team has not made any great strides this season. Improvement has been ever so slight at best, and, that's being generous. Unfortunately, the results are always the same, and, that is enough to drive any person insane. The fact that we continue to watch the Wings, some would say, is solid proof of insanity.

The upside is that the 19 are still able to be here together, albeit grudgingly on some nights, and, we're still waiting on that elusive two game winning streak. That's what keeps us coming back for more. Right?

Maybe it starts tonight.....

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Welcome to Abel to Yzerman, a Red Wing blog since 1977. No other site on the internet has better-researched, fact-laden and better prepared discussions than A2Y. Re-phrase: we do little research, find facts and stats highly overrated and claim little to no preparation. There are 19 readers of A2Y. No more, no less. All of them, except maybe one, are juvenile in nature. Reminding them of that in the comment section will only encourage them to prove that.