Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman


12/31/2018 at 5:59pm EST

It's New Year's Eve. There is hockey in Detroit, as it should be. I seem to recall a traditional game against the Blackhawks, but I could be wrong on that.

Do I have resolutions? Yes.

My resolution begins with a Y, ends with an N and includes a letter that gets you 10 in Scrabble and isn't a Q.

We do not rightfully, or sanely, expect the playoffs. These guys just haven't learned how to win and, maybe more importantly, haven't learned how to stop losing. Most of them are young. It's ok. We'll get there.

Meanwhile, my resolution focuses on bringing the Captain back and the Captain bringing with him a frigging insatiable hunger for winning. That is my hope for 2019. That's it. Bring Him back and let's see what happens after that. Dismiss apathy. Inject urgency.

It's a Live Blog, bitches. The last one of 2018.


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