Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman

New Header Prompts Decisive Action From Dive Fans

09/14/2007 at 5:10am EDT

Well as you can see by now, the new look is nearly complete. Thanks to A2Y reader, TeamDub, we’ve got ourelves a new header. Soon, once the voting is complete, the last bit of graphics will be selected and placed on the page.

But, just hours after the new banner was introduced last night…controversy erupted behind the scenes. Dive fans contacted the A2Y art staff and began complaining in lispy phrases that they felt mith-represented, that since Abel To Yzerman wasn’t specifically a Red Wing blog (perception is everything you know), they should have had more input into the selection of the new banner.

Well, I listened. That’s what I do. I listen to the readers and try to keep them happy. Occasionally I’ll get emails from them complimenting me on my punctuation and my flair for alliteration. Other times, recently in fact, I’ll get emails from Dive fans who read this blog enough to know my day job and say, “you’re a disgrace to the uniform.” I don’t take that too personally. Actually, I’ve got proof that even an email like that can’t prompt me to hate Dive fans simply for being Dive fans.

How can I say that? Because I believe they have a right to be heard. I do. And to prove that, I’ve decided that on the days the Wings play the Dive this year, we’re going to change the header to a graphic designed by Dive fans, for Dive fans. Wanna see it? Sure you do.


You see what I mean? All I do is try to keep everyone happy. Avalanche fans wanted a banner to represent their tastes. Now they have it and on Wing/Dive days, we’ll go ahead and put the “header” they created up as an example that everyone has a voice here at A2Y.

Substance has been lacking here the last two days. We’ll be fixing that later, and yes vote updates on the contest later today too.

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Welcome to Abel to Yzerman, a Red Wing blog since 1977. No other site on the internet has better-researched, fact-laden and better prepared discussions than A2Y. Re-phrase: we do little research, find facts and stats highly overrated and claim little to no preparation. There are 19 readers of A2Y. No more, no less. All of them, except maybe one, are juvenile in nature. Reminding them of that in the comment section will only encourage them to prove that.