Abel to Yzerman

Abel to Yzerman

Farewell To Okie...And We Have A Hole To Fill (Settle Down)

09/30/2013 at 10:42pm EDT

A big frigging thank you to Jeff for providing us the GDTs the last few years. I'd tell you, specifically, how many years it's been...but I'm feeling a little lazy. Jeff stepped up just as I was stepping back and posting on a far less frequent basis. So the gap was closed in that respect.

But he's gone, because he's a lawyer and that's what lawyers do sometimes. Like Saul Goodman, but with better hair. Barely. But we need the game day threads. They've become staples and you know how we like us some staples.

Interested? Think about it. We're going to need you for, let's see...108 games this season. Do the math.

Want in? Email me at wphoulihan at gmail.com.mil.gov.org...well, take the gov one out because it's shut down, probably. Take the .mil one out because that would be fraud, waste and abuse. Take the org out because it's exciting and stick with the com.

Oh, and when the Lions were up by 23 yesterday, or whatever it was...how many of you, like me, thought it was eerily similar to the last time we had a big lead on a Chicago team? RSV.

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